A source says, "The channel authorities were willing to pay around Rs 60-70 lakh, but they were taken aback when she demanded Rs 4 crore."
Another source says actresses Soha Ali Khan and Gul Panag were also approached to judge the show, but they too asked for more than what channel could pay. Sunny, however, denies having been approached for the show. "Never heard of such an offer," was her reply. Aditya Swamy, business head of MTV and MTV Indies, declined to comment on the matter. So did Lalit Sharma, CEO of Colosceum Media, the producers of the show.

'Roadies' was judged for 11 seasons by Raghu Ram and Rajiv Lakshman. For the upcoming season, actress Esha Deol and TV actor Karan Kundra will be the judges. Rannvijay Singha will continue to host the adventure show.