The young actor has learnt mixed martial arts which is like is a full-contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques.
However, Sidharth likes the art form and wants to keep practicing it as a fitness regime. He feels it a very intense yet excellent form of workout.
He likes fast paced workouts and finds mixed martial arts different from the regular form.
Sidharth shares, "Mixed Martial Arts is an intense and fast paced regime which conditions your full body. I have learnt it for my film and want to continue practicing it as my regular fitness regime."

Sidharth is working out along with maintaining a protein rich diet for himself.
Unlike most stars who resort to steroids to pump themselves up, Sidharth is hell bent on keeping it natural.
Adhering strongly to a strict dietary regime, he is banking massively on weight lifting and martial arts to get the chiseled physique desired for the film and he has already put on 8 kilos of muscle weight for the film.