The shoot was initially to start in January 2014 , then April, then July.Finally in August Michael Ward mentioned that he needed more prep time and I told him I had prior commitments till December. After some adjustments on both our parts we were ready to roll in December. They paid me a token to say we intend to make the film. Before leaving for my shoot of Masaan on October 19th, 2014, I had a little get together for everyone to get to know the entire team of Bombairiya.(The picture from that cake from that is still on my instagram.)
While I was away shooting, Michael demanded a change in the schedule yet again. At this point it began to clash with a prior commitment in January, which he was aware of. I was the first one on board, and both the primary actors Akshay Oberoi and Siddhant Kapoor are aware of the situation and the fact that the last change of schedule has come from Beautiful Bay and not me. We tried to work this out, and were still hoping to meet midway when I woke up to a one-sided article in the paper today.

I have waited for the film to take off for more than a year and a half so it's a tad unfair to expect me to not honour other film commitments.All the correspondence is available on email, hence there is no question of being ambiguous. These are the facts in chronological order. People are free to draw their own conclusion.
As for Bombairiya, I am thrilled that they have found a lead actress and I wish them all the best for their project. :-)"