When families come together to marry two people, several factors are considered, especially in an arranged marriage setting. Based on those, the relationship is either formed or broken. In the case of this man from Maharashtra, it turned out to be an unusual parameter that got him rejected -- his CIBIL score.
According to the Times of India (TOI), the man was rejected just before finalising the wedding after one of his prospective bride's uncles insisted on checking his CIBIL score. The incident took place in Maharastra's Murtizapur.
TOI reported that the sources revealed the families were meeting to finalise the wedding. Both sides of the family agreed on the match and wanted to interact about the other details. However, things turned south when the woman’s uncle decided to check the man’s CIBIL score.
What did the man's CIBIL score say?
The uncle wasn't too happy with what he saw. Reportedly, the woman's family was shocked that the prospective groom had multiple loans in his name and from different banks. His CIBIL score was also found to be low. A low CIBIL score indicates a poor credit history. It usually indicates irregular payments, load default, and financial instability.
At this point, the bride’s uncle was against the marriage. He argued that the man, already burdened with financial difficulties, won't be a suitable match for his niece as he won't be able to provide financial security to his future wife. The other members of the woman's family also agreed and withdrew the wedding proposal.
What is the CIBIL score?
A CIBIL score is a three-digit number that summarises a person's credit history. It ranges from 300 to 900. While a higher number indicates a good financial life, a lower score signifies the opposite. Leaders use the CIBIL score to determine a person's creditworthiness, including their likelihood of repaying debt on time.