Celebrity Trivia

  • In 2002, Bruce Willis purchased 12,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for American troops that were stationed throughout the Middle East.
  • When the 28 year-old Richard Branson bought Necker Island in the 1970s, the asking price was $5 million. Branson successfully negotiated it down to $180,000. The island is worth upwards of $200 million today.
  • Johnny Depp plans on having his cremated remains poured into a cask of whiskey, and requests every attendee at his funeral to take a sip.
  • John F. Kennedy purchased 1200 Cuban cigars before signing the trade embargo 51 years ago!
  • Will Smith's first name is actually Willard, and not William.
  • Cleopatra's last name was Ptolemy and she was Greek, not Egyptian.
  • After Tupac Shakur was cremated, his ashes were mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of his hip-hip group, Outlawz.
  • Hugh Jackman owns a coffee company that donates 100% of its profits.
  • Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI doesn't know how to drive and never got a driver's license!
  • Oprah Winfrey's first name was originally 'Orpah', but it was spelled wrong on her birth certificate.