Dalai Lama Quotes

  • The real troublemaker is within us. Our true enemies are our own destructive tendencies.Upload to Facebook
    The real troublemaker is within us. Our true enemies are our own destructive tendencies.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.Upload to Facebook
    A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.Upload to Facebook
    Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • Has you breathe in cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings.Upload to Facebook
    Has you breathe in cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • We need to strike a balance between material and spiritual progress, a balance achieved on the basis of love and compassion.Upload to Facebook
    We need to strike a balance between material and spiritual progress, a balance achieved on the basis of love and compassion.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • Friends are made on the basis of trust and trust only grows if you are kind to people.Upload to Facebook
    Friends are made on the basis of trust and trust only grows if you are kind to people.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • It's clear that the ultimate source of happiness is warm-heartedness.Upload to Facebook
    It's clear that the ultimate source of happiness is warm-heartedness.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • Everyone can practice non-violence, it only calls for determination. If you succeed, it will open the way to a far more peaceful world.Upload to Facebook
    Everyone can practice non-violence, it only calls for determination. If you succeed, it will open the way to a far more peaceful world.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • The purpose of religion is not building grand temples but cultivating positive human qualities like tolerance, generosity and love.Upload to Facebook
    The purpose of religion is not building grand temples but cultivating positive human qualities like tolerance, generosity and love.
    ~ Dalai Lama
  • Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.Upload to Facebook
    Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
    ~ Dalai Lama