May our country always flourish and continue celebrating many better and prosperous years of Independence. When my country prospers I prosper too, for that reason, I will never stop praying for its freedom and prosperity. Wishing you a blessed and very Happy Independence Day! |
As you celebrate your day of Independence, give some thought of what happened decades ago when we were still in bondage. Our forefathers signed an agreement and offered to give their blood in exchange for this day. What more can we give them in return than being true patriots? It is our time to guard and protect our country's wealth and freedom! Happy Independance Day! |
On this Independence Day, take a minute or two to thank for such a precious gift. Wish you all a Happy Independence Day! |
No nation is perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Let's contribute towards the perfection of our country. Happy Independence Day! |
Let us pray today for all the brave brethren who lost their lives, fighting for a bright future for their countrymen. Happy 15 August! |
Freedom was not gifted to us, it was snatched by an unstoppable zeal of the Bravehearts. Fighters painted blood on their life's canvas; achieved martyrdom to oust the Britishers. Salute to our Soldiers, not only on 15th August but every day of our lives. Jai Hind! |
The only way we can repay the martyrs of India's freedom struggle is to keep raising our voice whenever any Indian is subjected to cruelty, suppression or repression of any nature. Happy Independence Day! |
Independence day is a good time to examine who we are and how we got here. Happy 15 August to all the Indians! |
The Indians: F - Fought R - Relentlessly the E - English E - Engaged in D - Decimating O - Our M - Motherland Thanks to the value system of the Freedom Fighters who achieved it for us by their continuous struggle and sacrifice! Happy 15 August to all of you! |
May you enjoy the sun, the air and the land that we reclaimed from the Britishers by the continuous struggle of our esteemed freedom fighters by their sweat and blood! Wish you a very happy Independence Day! |