Funny Quotes

  • When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.Upload to Facebook
    When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.
    ~ Prince Philip
  • Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.Upload to Facebook
    Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.
    ~ Annonymous
  • Santa Claus has the right idea: visit people once a year.Upload to Facebook
    Santa Claus has the right idea: visit people once a year.
    ~ Victor Borge
  • I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back.Upload to Facebook
    I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back.
    ~ Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • Money may not buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.Upload to Facebook
    Money may not buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.
    ~ Francoise Sagan
  • Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.Upload to Facebook
    Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.
    ~ Criss Jami
  • When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.Upload to Facebook
    When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.
    ~ Cathy Guiswite
  • Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.
    ~ Groucho Marx
  • Stalking is when two people go for a long romantic walk together but only one of them knows about it.Upload to Facebook
    Stalking is when two people go for a long romantic walk together but only one of them knows about it.
    ~ Author Unknown
  • I can live for two months on a good compliment.
    ~ Mark Twain