Son: Dad, what happens when you die? Dad: You go to heaven. Son: No, I mean when YOU die. Will I get your stuff? |
Waiter: How did you find your steak sir? Customer: I just looked next to potatoes and there it was! |
Whenever someone asks me why my room is a mess, I simply tell them that... It's not a mess, it's an obstacle course designed to keep me fit! |
English: Don't worry Mahesh. Hindi: Mahsewari Mat Kar! |
Never hurt a Samosa, Vada or Kachori by saying No... . . . . . . . . . . They too have 'fillings' inside! |
The older I get the more I realise I love being at home doing nothing! |
I wish every time I said something stupid to my wife, a red squiggly line appeared underneath! |
You know when Donkey followed Shrek home and just kept talking? That's what it's like having kids! |
The word queue is ironic. It's just a 'q' with a bunch of silent letters waiting in a line! |
School and College reunions are scams. Nobody misses you. They just want to know if you have made it in life or not! |