As the entire world around us grows older by a year, I hope you possess a heart that remains as youthful and cheerful as always. Happy New Year! |
Let's make our New Year resolution to be there for each other and help fellow human beings in need even if we don't know them personally. So come let's spread some kindness and cheer! Happy New Year! |
Wishing you 12 months of success 52 weeks of laughter 365 days of fun 8,760 hours of joy 525,600 minutes of good luck And 31,536,000 seconds of happiness. Happy New Year! |
May you paint the blank canvas of this year with bright and fluorescent colours! Cheers to health, happiness and prosperity in 2021! |
Chardi Kala means: High spirits Ever progressive Always cheerful Perennially blossoming Unwilling spirit Mind that never despairs Mind that never admits defeat and refuses to be crushed by adversities The perpetual state of certitude Confidence in the ultimate victory of truth over falsehood Intensely energized Ever-ascending state of the spirit As the curtains close on this historic year, here's wishing you "Chardi Kala" for 2021. Happy New Year! |
During 2020: We Cried We Clapped We Locked Down We Stayed At Home We Cooked We Zoomed We Prayed We Stayed Two Meters Apart We Thanked The Frontline Workers We Got Our Nostrils Poked We Celebrated Quiet Diwali We Wore Masks We Lived In Bubbles But most of all, we made it through 2020 Seasons' Greetings (From A Social Distance!) |
Before the year ends: Look back and be grateful; Look ahead and be hopeful; And look around and be helpful. Have a great year ahead! |
I Am Not Going To Make Any New Year Resolution Because, Na Bigadne Ki Umar Hai Na Sudharne Ka Scope! |
May all your hard work pays off and you receive all the sweetest rewards that you deserve in life. Wishing you a prosperous new year! |
Remember all the good memories you have made and know that your life will be so full of wonders in the coming year. Happy New Year 2021! |