
  • Do not take life too seriously.  You will never get out of it alive.
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    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
    ~ Elbert Hubbard
  • My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.

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    My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.
    ~ Johnny Depp
  • To have what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done.Upload to Facebook
    To have what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done.
    ~ Roy T. Bennett
  • He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn't yet lived.
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    He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn't yet lived.
    ~ Franz Kafka
  • There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful.Upload to Facebook
    There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful.
    ~ Fernando Pessoa
  • A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.Upload to Facebook
    A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.
    ~ Stephen Richards
  • Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day.Upload to Facebook
    Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day.
    ~ Albert Camus
  • It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference.Upload to Facebook
    It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference.
    ~ Zig Ziglar
  • Stop waiting for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come to someone's life.
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    Stop waiting for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come to someone's life.
    ~ Leo Babauta
  • Time takes it all, whether you want it to or  not.Upload to Facebook
    Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.
    ~ Stephen King