Men and Women Trivia Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • A survey conducted by Indiana University found women want sex more than men while men want to cuddle.
  • Study: Underarm sweat from a man on the lips puts women in a better mode and regulates her menstrual cycle!
  • Women are more likely to have nightmares while men are more likely to dream about sex.
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    Women are more likely to have nightmares while men are more likely to dream about sex.
  • Females that play video games have more sex than females who don't play video games.
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    Females that play video games have more sex than females who don't play video games.
  • 53% of women prefer sex with the man on top.
  • The odds of a single woman having sex on any given night are 10 to 1.
  • According to a survey conducted in "The Art of Kissing", 96% of women enjoy having their neck kissed the most.
  • Men who have more trouble controlling laughter, also have more trouble controlling sexual arousal.
  • Women are quicker at detecting danger before their periods.
  • Intelligent men tend to be more sexually faithful.