Jeeto: It is 11 O'clock, are you still sleeping? Pappu: I am a little tired so I am taking a rest. Jeeto: You spent so long sleeping, how did you get tired? Pappu: I have been sleeping so long so I got tired! |
Pappu: Mummy Application Form Mein `Permanent Identification Mark` Kya Likhun? Jeeto: Likh De `Left Hand Mein Mobile`! |
Found out all four of my sons want to be Valets when they grow up. My doctor says that's the worst case of Parking Sons disease he has ever heard of! |
Santa: Yeh Kitne Ki Painting Hai? Curator: Sir 5 Lakhs. It is an oil painting. Santa: Tussi Paise Di Tension Na Lo. Kuch Desi Ghee Mein Dikhao! |
Top three dreams of a man: 1. To be as handsome as his mother thinks he is. 2. To be as rich as his child believes he is. 3. To have as many women as his wife suspects he has! |
Teacher: What is history? Pappu: The process of becoming almost dead by reading the stories of the dead people is called history! |
There are two ways of arguing with a woman. Neither one works! |
How do the lawyers lie? First they lie on the one side and then on the other side! |
Whenever I think I finally understand women's logic, my wife says things like she can't wear those shoes with those earrings! |
My wife's pretty awesome. Her car has reverse parking sensors, a rear-view camera and automatic park assist. Still, she managed to hit a pole on the footpath! |